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Tag Archives: Delicious

Delicious and all that jazz

Beginning of the week started with finding out on Twitter that Yahoo was going to “sunset” Delicious.  Began to realise that if Delicious is not going to be available anymore then I had to move my bookmarks away from Delicious and find another social bookmarking site or go back to being tied to one computer or copying things on more than one computer.  A prospect I wasn’t looking forward to – I had over 500 tags in Delicious which I found very useful.  Some of the sites I’ve looked at included pinboard, diigo, xerpi and Mister Wong.  Xerpi doesn’t seem to like importing from Delicious while the others have done it. So far I have found that Mister Wong seems to be the one I like the best.  It allows the tags to be displayed in a list or a tag cloud and seems to be the closest to showing the list like Delicious does.  It also allows you to add your Twitter links.  Pinboard also allows for tags to be shown but appears to only be as a list while I couldn’t work out the way diigo presented the tags, especially the imported ones.

Needless to say there is more investigating to be done but I’m ultimately hoping that Yahoo’s announcement that they are looking for a new home for Delicious comes to be and I can keep that account.  Much like what happened to Bloglines.  Though this has pointed out that you still need to:

  1. Back up all your tags and
  2. Possibly have more than one social bookmarking account going to try and limit the damage.

More fun and games.

One wrong click ….

You would think that I would learn by now about backing up anything I do with my accounts.  Working on Delicious and one wrong click ends up deleting my whole Delicious account. Not happy 😦 Luckily the bookmarks that I’ve placed there don’t actually get deleted just my account.  So spent the weekend re-establishing all the bookmarks.  Now that’s done I can continue doing other things.  Just not happy that I had to do it in the first place.  Oh well, you live and learn.

Introducing people to Blogger

Today I’m introducing more people to blogging and Blogger. We’ve set up accounts and started blogging. I’m also going to show them how to use Delicious, show them Flickr and Facebook


Tagging is good and lets you share the tags with anyone. Takes some getting used to, especially as I’ve had to remember to not be bound by certain conventions used. Gets interesting when work’s rules start impacting on what you are trying to do – like downloading the buttons but got there eventually.