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Still waiting for the IT issues to be resolved – hopefully soon.  Investigating other options in courses that I can be teaching.  My wish list keeps growing bigger.  Hopefully I will find something soon. Continuing to play with Google Wave – limited to doing it at home only.

Internet Connections Part 2

Internet is finally up at home.  The cockatoos have been active and had damaged the line outside.  Now I get to play with Google Wave as well as being on the other sites.  Have been on my book review site – reviewing some of the books.

Google Wave

Received my invite to test Google wave this week.  Have been trying to use it and looks very interesting and I can see the potential uses for it both professionally and personally.  At the moment having an issue with editing a wave – every time I go to edit the wave with information the google wave crashes! Oh well not sure where the problem is.  I either get the “Warning: Unresponsive Script” or get in and start typing and it crashes very annoying.  Seems to be an issue with the synchronisation of the wave and you editing – conflict happens somewhere there.